1) Yuan, W., Yang, Z. Late Devonian closure of the North Qilian Ocean: evidence from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes in the eastern North Qilian Orogenic belt. International Geology Review, 2015, 57(2), 182-198.
孙知明研究员研究团队通过古地磁方法,重建了印度-亚洲大陆碰撞拼合过程,认为印度-欧亚大陆的初始碰撞时间为 47 - 54 Ma,提出印度与亚洲大陆碰撞所造成的亚洲大陆内部南北向构造缩短主要集中在拉萨地块以北的区域。重建了班公湖-怒江中特提斯洋中生代演化过程,指出班公湖-怒江特提斯洋自早三叠世至晚三叠世期间逐渐扩张,至晚三叠世时期达到最大宽度,然后逐渐缩小直至闭合。。
仝亚博副研究员团队在充分参考最新构造磁学研究成果基础之上,对已有的古地磁数据进行筛选,以期望对印亚碰撞时限进行更合理的约束。本研究结果显示,拉萨地块早白垩世时处于13.2º ± 8.6ºN的古维度位置,晚白垩世和古近纪时期分别处于10.8º ±6.7ºN和15.2º ± 5.0ºN的古续度位置。而拉萨地块晚白垩世时期的古纬度则代表了印亚碰撞前欧亚大陆的稳定南缘。对比特提斯-喜马拉雅地块晚白垩世和古近纪古地磁数据可以确定印度板块与欧亚大陆在57.5 ± 1.5Ma时期在10.8º ±6.7ºN古维度位置发生了初始碰撞。印亚板块碰撞后欧亚大陆南缘发生了约2100 ± 780km的纬向地壳收敛量,其主要是由青藏高原内部地壳褶皱变形,逆冲推服断裂以青藏高原周边区域地壳物质的侧向挤出运动所吸收。
为了印证从青藏高原东南缘保山地体内部获得的关于青藏高原东部新生代隆升过程的信息,在青藏高原东缘羌塘地块古新统-始新统贡觉组红层中进行了磁性地层学和构造磁学研究。研究结果显示,拉萨地块和羌塘地块在54-43 Ma之前就开始经历大规模的纬向地壳缩短变形,表明藏南-藏中的拉萨地块和羌塘地块在始新世早期就开始经历了地壳增厚和构造抬升。随后,自35.4 ± 2.4 Ma左右,羌塘地块以北区域开始发生纬向地壳缩短,并最终累积了~ 1300 ± 410 km的地壳缩短量。而这一时期,羌塘地块和拉萨地块则没有发生进一步的地壳缩短变变形。表明自~35.4 Ma之前青藏高原南缘已隆升至相当的海拔高度,而自~35.4 Ma开始,青藏高原北部地区才开始发生构造抬升。自渐新世-中新世开始,腾冲地块和缅泰地块开始经历顺时针运动,在这一过程中由于其青藏原东南缘位于拉萨地块和羌塘地块之间的区域不再进一步发生地壳纬向缩短运动,因而其不能为腾冲地块和缅泰地块的顺时针旋转挤出运动提供充足的地壳物质来源,以保证二者地壳块体的侧向挤出逃逸运动。因此,自渐新世以来,腾冲地块和缅泰地块主要以东南向溃缩式韧性构造变形为其主要地壳变形方式,地壳的侧向挤出运动仅占次要地位。
1) Cao Yong, Sun Zhiming*, Li Haibing, Pei Junling, Xue Wei, Pan Jiawei, Zhang Lei, Ye Xiaozhou, Huang Baochun, Wang Zongxiu. New Early and Late Carboniferous paleomagnetic results from the Qaidam Block, NW China: Implications for the paleogeography of Central Asia. Tectonophysics, 2017, 717: 242–252.
2) Cao, Y., Sun, Z.M*, Li, H., Pei, J., Liu, D., Zhang, L., Ye, X., Zheng, Y., He, X., Ge, C., Jiang, W. New paleomagnetic results from Middle Jurassic limestones of the Qiangtang terrane, Tibet: Constraints on the evolution of the Bangong-Nujiang Ocean. Tectonics. 2019, 38: 315-232.
3) Cao, Y., Zhiming Sun*, Haibing Li, Junling Pei, Wan Jiang, Wei Xu, Laishi Zhao, Leizhen Wang, Chenglong Li, Xiaozhou Ye, Lei Zhang, New Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic data from volcanic rocks and red beds from the Lhasa terrane and its implications for the paleolatitude of the southern margin of Asia prior to the collision with India. Gondwana Research, 2017, 41: 337-351.
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5) Sun Z., Pei,J., Li, H., Xu, W., Jiang, W., Zhu, Z., Wang, X., Yang, Z., Palaeomagnetism of late Cretaceous sediments from southern Tibet: Evidence for the consistent palaeolatitudes of the southern margin of Eurasia prior to the collision with India. Gondwana Research. 2012, 21:53-63.
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7) Tong Y, Yang Z, Pei J, et al. Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous red-beds from the eastern edge of the Lhasa Terrane: New constraints on the onset of the India-Eurasia collision and latitudinal crustal shortening in southern Eurasia[J]. Gondwana Research, 2017, 48:86-100.
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9) Tong YB, Sun YJ, Wu ZH, Mao CP, Pei JL, Yang ZY, Pu ZW, Zhao Y, Xu H. Passive crustal clockwise rotational deformation of the Sichuan Basin since the Miocene and its relationship with the tectonic evolution of the fault systems on the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. GSA Bulletin, 2019, 131(1-2): 175-190.
10) Tong YB, Yang ZY, Li JF, Pei JL, Li JF. New insights into the collision process of India and Eurasia: Evidence from the syntectonic-sedimentation-induced inclinational divergence of Cretaceous paleomagnetic data of the Lhasa Terrane. Earth-Science Reviews, 2019, 190: 570-588.
11) Tong, Y.B., Yang, Z.Y, Zheng, L.D., Xu, Y.L., Wang, H. Gao, L., Hu, X.Z., Internal crustal deformation in the northern part of Shan-Thai Block:New evidence from paleomagnetic results of Cretaceous and Paleogene redbeds. Tectonophysics, 2013, 608:1138-1158.
12) Tong, Y.B., Yang, Z.Y., Gao, L., Wang, H., Zhang, X.D., An, C.Z., Xu, Y.C., Paleomagnetism of Upper Cretaceous red-beds from the eastern Qiangtang Block:clockiwse rotations and latitudinal translation during the India-Asia collision. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015 114: 732-749.
13) Tong, Y.B., Yang, Z.Y., Jing, X.Q, Zhao, Y., Li, C.H, Huang, D.G, Zhang, X.D., New insights into the Cenozoic lateral extrusion of crustal blocks on the southeastern edge of Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from paleomagnetic results from Paleogene sedimentary strata of the Baoshan Terrane. Tectonic, 2016,35, doi:10.1002/2016TC004221
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15) Xu, Y. C., Yang, Z. Y., Tong, Y. B.. et al., Further paleomagnetic results for lower Permian basalts of the Baoshan Terrane, southwestern China, and paleogeographic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 104, 99-114.
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17) 仝亚博,杨振宇等. 青藏高原东南缘晚新生代川滇地体旋扭构造体系地壳变形特征的古地磁学分析. 地质学报. 20014, 88(11):2057-2070.
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